0370 3500 988

Charity Fun Day – Brain Research UK

Last week we held our annual charity fun day at Trust Hygiene Services. All staff got involved in games, throwing wet sponges in the stocks and there was a fair bit of food on offer all in aid of Brain Research UK, a charity which has become very close to our hearts at Trust. Brain […]

Soap Dispensers

With Gojo leaving the UK market, those customers using their soaps are going to require a replacement source for their hand care and hygiene requirements. Post-Covid hand hygiene is still immensely important to avoid cross contamination, killing various viruses and improving hygiene going forward for your business. At Trust we can offer a range of […]

New Website

Last week we were delighted to celebrate the launch of the new Trust Hygiene Services website, a brand new customer experience with access to info on all the services we offer as well as navigation to our customer portal. With a fresh approach we have added new images and information about our services on to […]